Jamie Thomson

Thoughts, about stuff

Archive for July 2007

San Diego trip

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Hello y’all,


So if you read our last post and watched the videos you’ll know that we planned to spend my birthday weekend somewhere in this great big state getting p!ssed. Somewhere. As it turned out we went to San Diego. Along for the ride were Andy and Katie, Pipey and a newcomer to our little group, Emily.


What to say about San Diego? Lovely place – but take your passports.

Just to fill you in, here’s a map of San Diego.


I’ve marked out three areas. La Jolla, Seaworld, and Downtown. Those are the three places we spent most of our time. If you want a better view of it, click here: http://tinyurl.com/2qb3ze

[Disclaimer: I don’t know San Diego all that well so if you know it better than me and I’ve got anything wrong on the map above (and there’s a very food chance that I have) – I apologise in advance.


On the Friday we tried to go out in La Jolla (pronounced La Hoya) and Pacific Beach but got barred at every turn simply cos we didn’t have our frigging passports with us. La Jolla is the university district and they’re pretty strict on IDs – they won’t take UK driving licenses as proof of age. Now, we’ve been in California 10 months and this is the first time we’ve EVER had our driving licenses turned down. The bouncers were actually pretty sympathetic and said that it was the police that were insisting on it. So, if the police stop you for speeding and need proof of ID in order to give you a fine then the UK driving licence is fine. If you want to get into a bar with it – forget it.  I would swear about the San Diego coppers but Helen’s or my parents might be reading 🙂


Saturday was a lot better. We spent the day at Seaworld. Dolphins, killer whales and all that sort of stuff. We took loads and loads of pictures, link is below. In the evening went out in downtown San Diego and no-one cared about us not having out passports down there. Which was nice. Kaul Strauss restaurant first off for some fat american style food and then onto the bars. We hit The Bitter End and had a quality night. They played quality music all night (I know they did but don’t ask me to remember ANY of the songs) and we got suitably leathered. Here’s a picture of the six of us in The Bitter End:


That’s Katie, Helen, me,  Andy (why so orange), Emily and Pipey.

One spoiler on the night. This stupid bint on the left who wandered into frame and spoiled what would otherwise have been a pretty decent picture of Helen and I. 🙂



Not much else to say really. The pictures are here. Enjoy at your leisure. Warning – there’s a lot of ’em.


-Jamie (and Helen)



Written by Jamiet

July 2, 2007 at 5:26 am

Posted in Uncategorized